Category: Uncategorized

Deaths. May 18 2020, Illinois coronavirus attack update: Four of the top 15 zip codes in the state reporting Covid-19 deaths are Latino Majority zip codes in Chicago. Others are Black, White, and mixed zip codes. Lincoln Park and Niles,

Cinco de Mayo, Covid-19 attack update

As of May 5, 2020, the top 8 zip codes with coronavirus cases in Illinois are in Latino majority zip codes. They are mostly located in Chicago, but Waukegan and Cicero are in the list, too. Berwyn is in the

Tango Vs Oom-pah, World Cup 2014

Germans and Argentinians clash tomorrow, July 13, in the 2014 World Cup. Let’s assume that most Latinos are cheering for Argentina. In the US, there is a combined estimated population of 98,335,232 of persons of Latino or German ancestry. Latinos

Are you running for public office in Illinois?

If you are running for pubic office in Illinois –particularly in the Chicago metropolitan area– you can now download political geography maps drawn at the block level showing Latino population percentages in key Illinois House districts, Illinois Senate districts, US
